Services at Nearing Total Health

Detox Soaks

Detox Soaks at Nearing Total Health

Nearing Total Health offers Clay Detox Soaks and Magnesium Soaks in large tubs in a private room to help you reach total health. Clay Detox Soaks are 20 minute sessions. These baths are made of Bentonite Clays with natural botanical blends to help assist with the detoxification for specific toxic conditions.

Magnesium Soaks at Nearing Total Health are a popular way to relax!

We offer different Clay Detox soaks for specific issues:

  • Arsenic Detox Clay
  • Aluminum Detox Clay
  • Mercury Detox Clay
  • Smokers/Drug Detox Clay
  • Natural Detox Clay-only clay and no herbs or spices for sensitive patients and clients
  • Lead/Copper Detox Clay

Herbal components assist in issues with parasites, allergies, anxiety, mood, memory, and more!


Why Soak?

These clays can help with Detoxing the body of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, industrial pollution, food preservatives, plastic residues, artificial fragrances, various carcinogens, wood preservatives, toxic paints, tiles, ceramics, automobile exhaust, toxic cosmetics, toxic household cleaners, and other everyday toxins we get from deodorant and refined flours!

To learn more on the benefits, how toxicity happens, and more on these clays, please make an appointment and start detoxing your body today!

Detox Soaks are $55/half hour;
4 soaks for $200

Two bathtubs showing the toxicity differences between two different people

The image shows the difference in toxicity between two people who experienced the same clay detox soak at the same water temperature.

Magnesium Soaks

water purification system for all soaks

All soaks are created using a highly purified water system for maximum detoxification

Magnesium Chloride is used to restore cells, hydrate the skin, heal wounds, decrease inflammation, increase relaxation, stress relief, relieves achy muscles and joints, relieves psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, acne, and other skin conditions.  Great for athletes and anyone with muscular and other soft tissue injuries.

Magnesium is essential to the body and influences nearly all the body systems. Magnesium is able to absorb into the body through the skin. The Skin can self regulate absorption so no need to worry about overuse.

Soaking in our Magnesium will not cause loose stools, diarrhea, or cause GI upset that ingesting Magnesium can sometimes do.  Our Magnesium comes free of lead, arsenic, and fluoride.

Studies have shown that heavily toxic individuals show a deficiency in magnesium therefore magnesium baths are also included in our detox programs.

Magnesium Soaks are $44/half hour;
4 soaks for $140


Whatever your reason is for soaking, Nearing Total Health is here to make your total health that much closer! 

Text Us!

(360) 972-2524